DIY · Home Decor · Tutorial · Uncategorized

Planning a Gallery Wall

The hottest house trend of late is a gallery wall. If you do them correctly, they look amazing. However, if you don’t they can just look like a jumbled mess. To help you plan out a wall, I have made a step-by-step process you can use to ensure you’re getting the best look. 1. Choose… Continue reading Planning a Gallery Wall

DIY · Home Decor · Travel · Uncategorized

Simple DIYs to Create a Welcoming Experience for Your Guest

When I think about living in my apartment, I anticipate having lots of guests. Iwant people to feel welcome so in classic DIYshy style, I went to the internet to find some ideas that will do just that. To create the perfect day, this is what I came up with: From my eye for the shy,… Continue reading Simple DIYs to Create a Welcoming Experience for Your Guest

DIY · Home Decor · Tutorial · Uncategorized

Becoming a Flower Bouquet Expert

Ahhh, feel that 50 degree warmth with the sun shining on you? (Not really because where I live it’s currently snowy and cold, but I’m dreaming) That means spring is upon us (or so I wish.) The best part about spring are all of the flowers. There are daffodils, pansys, lilacs, and my personal favorite..tulips. I am… Continue reading Becoming a Flower Bouquet Expert

DIY · Home Decor · Uncategorized

5 Things I’ve Learned from DIY

When I started this blog I had roughly four months until I moved to Chicago. Now, I am halfway there and I’m feeling mixed emotions. I’m excited because I’ll be experiencing something new. I’m nervous because I’ve never lived in a big city before. I’m wary because I don’t really know what to expect with… Continue reading 5 Things I’ve Learned from DIY